
Tuesday, March 21, 2006

Some SMS forwards...

These are two of the sms forwards that my friend got… felt like sharing them with everyone…

Life's crazy-
What you want you don’t get - Love
What you get you don’t enjoy - Marriage
What you enjoy is not permanent - Boyfriend
What is permanent is boring – Husband .

My nights are becoming sleepless, my days are becoming restless. So I asked God... Is this love?
God said...idiot...Summer has started.


Jagan said...

the second one was gud ... the first one was okie

Anonymous said...

Both of them are awesome...Jagan..u in dope??!?!

Jagan said...

dope ? as in drugs ?

Anonymous said...

yeah dumbo!!!

pushkalAn& pattabhiraman said...

the second one is chweet!